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List application components



Lists components for the specified application.


Path Parameters

    applicationId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

Query Parameters

    allowedOps string[]

Header Parameters

    X-Codenow-Api-Key anyrequired

    CodeNOW API Key


application-components-list 200 response


  • Array [

  • id stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the application component. Based on the user-defined name.

    name stringrequired

    Human readable name of the application component.

    description string

    The detailed textual description.

    applicationId stringrequired

    ID of the application this component is part of.

    state AppComponentState (string)required

    Possible values: [CREATING, READY, FAILED, DELETING]

    State of the application component.
    CREATING - Application component is in the process of being created.
    READY - Application component is ready to be used.
    FAILED - Application component creation has failed.
    DELETING - Application component is in the process of being deleted.

    runtimeId stringrequired

    Runtime id of the application component compatible with DNS-1123 label, based on id.
    It must be used in certain places such as kubernetes labels. (Might be the same as id.)




    Template specification for the application component.

    id stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    An internal identifier of the scaffold selected for library creation.
    It includes information about the selected language, build tool and framework, if specified.
    Available templates can be obtained through the:
    /templates/application_components endpoint for application component or
    /templates/libraries endpoint for library

    version stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    The desired version of the selected template.

    Available templates can be obtained through the:
    /templates/application_components endpoint for application component or
    /templates/libraries endpoint for library



    A map of properties ("key": "value") required for proper template configuration.

    Available templates can be obtained through the:
    /templates/application_components endpoint for application component or
    /templates/libraries endpoint for library

    property name* string




    An object containing Source Code Management (SCM) information, including provider, repository/project ID, HTTP clone URL, and SSH clone URL.

    provider stringnullable

    The name of the SCM provider associated with the library, facilitating version control and collaborative software development.

    providerType stringnullable

    CI Provider type (gihub, codenow, etx)

    id stringnullable

    The unique identifier of the library repository or project within the SCM system.

    sshAddress stringrequired

    The SSH address string required for performing a Git clone operation on the repository linked to the library.

    httpAddress stringrequired

    The HTTP address string required for performing a Git clone operation on the repository linked to the library.




    Error details, if any, encountered during the library creation process.

    code string
    message string
    buildSystem stringnullable

    The name of the build system used for compiling, testing, and packaging code within the library.



    Basic settings for the component

    contextPath string
    maxQueueSize int32



    CI settings for the component

    provider stringnullable

    Associated CI provider:
    codenow - uses CodeNow CI
    external - uses external CI

    availableProviders string[]nullable

    List of CI providers that are configurable for the application component.

    globalPipelinesConfiguration booleannullable

    A boolean flag indicating whether pipeline settings are globally configured for the entire repository. If set to false, the pipeline settings are independently customized for individual branches.

    createdAt date-timenullable

    The timestamp when the application component was created. If the timestamp is unknown, the value will be returned as null.

    createdBy stringnullable

    This field represents the identifier of the user responsible for creating the application component. If the user is unknown, the value will be returned as null.

  • ]
