Webhook receiver for External CI Events
External CI communication endpoint, provides a way to send CI events to CodeNow.
Supported events:
Start event: indicates the start of a pipeline run. (once per run).
Result event: event with a payload with results of the pipeline run (git information,
container/helm artifacts produced, etc).
End event: indicates the end of a pipeline run (once per run).
To use this interface, you need to have a valid CI key with the scope corresponding to the component (or with account scope).
Header Parameters
- application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
- CodeNowCIStartEvent
- CodeNowCIResultEvent
- CodeNowCIEndEvent
Array [
- container
- maven
- git-tag
- link
- npm
- nuget
- git-revision
- code-quality
- helm
- codenow.ci.start.event
- codenow.ci.end.event
- codenow.ci.result.event
Array [
- container
- maven
- git-tag
- link
- npm
- nuget
- git-revision
- code-quality
- helm
Event that indicates the start of a pipeline run.
Only one event of this type must be sent per pipelineId.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.start.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Correlation ID of the pipeline run, all events of the same build must have the same pipelineId.
Timestamp of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
CodeNOW id of the library / application component to be build.
Version of the library / application component to be build.
Actor that triggered the pipeline.
Possible values: non-empty
The username of the actor.
The full name of the actor.
The name of the pipeline.
The URL of the dashboard where details of the build can be accessed through the CodeNOW UI.
Event with the results of a pipeline run. Multiply results can be sent for the same pipelineId.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.result.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: >= 1
The results of the CI build.
Possible values: [container
, maven
, git-tag
, link
, npm
, nuget
, git-revision
, code-quality
, helm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: container
The type of the payload: container
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the container repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the container artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the container artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: maven
The type of the payload: maven
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the maven repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The group id of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The artifact id of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: git-tag
The type of the payload: git-tag
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The tag of the git repository created by the build.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: link
The type of the payload: link
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the link.
Possible values: non-empty
The Header for display in result list.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: npm
The type of the payload: npm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the NPM repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the NPM artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the NPM artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: nuget
The type of the payload: nuget
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the Nuget repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The package id of the Nuget artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the Nuget artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: git-revision
The type of the payload: git-revision
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The branch from which being built.
Possible values: non-empty
The commit SHA which is being built.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: code-quality
The type of the payload: code-quality
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The system used to check the code quality i.e. SonarQube, Codacy, etc.
Possible values: non-empty
The URL to the code quality report.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: helm
The type of the payload: helm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the repository where the artifact is stored.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the artifact.
Event that indicates the end of a pipeline run.
Only one event of this type must be sent per pipelineId.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.end.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Correlation ID of the pipeline run, all events of the same build must have the same pipelineId.
Timestamp of the event.
Possible values: [FAILED
The result of the pipeline.
FAILED: the builds has failed.
SUCCESSFUL: the build has succeeded.
CANCELED: the build has been canceled.
Optional description in case of failure.
Possible values: [codenow.ci.start.event
, codenow.ci.end.event
, codenow.ci.result.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.start.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Correlation ID of the pipeline run, all events of the same build must have the same pipelineId.
Timestamp of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
CodeNOW id of the library / application component to be build.
Version of the library / application component to be build.
Actor that triggered the pipeline.
Possible values: non-empty
The username of the actor.
The full name of the actor.
The name of the pipeline.
The URL of the dashboard where details of the build can be accessed through the CodeNOW UI.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.end.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Correlation ID of the pipeline run, all events of the same build must have the same pipelineId.
Timestamp of the event.
Possible values: [FAILED
The result of the pipeline.
FAILED: the builds has failed.
SUCCESSFUL: the build has succeeded.
CANCELED: the build has been canceled.
Optional description in case of failure.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: codenow.ci.result.event
The type of the event.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
The version of the event.
Possible values: >= 1
The results of the CI build.
Possible values: [container
, maven
, git-tag
, link
, npm
, nuget
, git-revision
, code-quality
, helm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: container
The type of the payload: container
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the container repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the container artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the container artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: maven
The type of the payload: maven
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the maven repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The group id of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The artifact id of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the maven artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: git-tag
The type of the payload: git-tag
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The tag of the git repository created by the build.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: link
The type of the payload: link
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the link.
Possible values: non-empty
The Header for display in result list.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: npm
The type of the payload: npm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the NPM repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the NPM artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the NPM artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: nuget
The type of the payload: nuget
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the Nuget repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The package id of the Nuget artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the Nuget artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: git-revision
The type of the payload: git-revision
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the repository.
Possible values: non-empty
The branch from which being built.
Possible values: non-empty
The commit SHA which is being built.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: code-quality
The type of the payload: code-quality
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The system used to check the code quality i.e. SonarQube, Codacy, etc.
Possible values: non-empty
The URL to the code quality report.
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: helm
The type of the payload: helm
Possible values: non-empty
Default value: v1
The version of the payload: v1
Possible values: non-empty
The URL of the repository where the artifact is stored.
Possible values: non-empty
The path to the artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the artifact.
Possible values: non-empty
The version of the event.
Correlation ID of the pipeline run, all events of the same build must have the same pipelineId.
Timestamp of the event.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 429
- 500
ci-webhook 200 response
- application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Possible values: non-empty
"status": "string"
The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
No valid API key provided.
The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
Resource not found.
Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
Something went wrong on CodeNOW's end.