Create or update application deployment configuration
Create new application deployment configuration or update an existing one.
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
- application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
Array [
Array [
Possible values: non-empty
The application package version this configuration will be based on.
Possible values: non-empty
The unique identifier of the environment this configuration will belong to.
To obtain this identifier, use the GET /applications/:applicationId/related-environments
operation to retrieve a list of available related environments.
Possible values: >= 1
, <= 100
A map of configuration requests for individual application components contained
in the application version, mapped by component ID.
property name*
A list of configuration files affecting the component.
The name of the configuration file.
The content of the file. Must be base64-url encoded.
A list of all needed connected services, denoted by connection name, service type and a specific instance.
Possible values: non-empty
The user-friendly name or label for the connection.
Must be unique per component, upper-case and contain no spaces (underscores are allowed).
Possible values: non-empty
An internal identifier for the service scaffold, determined by the service type or brand in the case of managed services,
or by the template ID for external services.
The unique identifier of the specific service instance that should be connected to the component.
The type of this service instance must match the type
An object containing the runtime configuration specifications for the component.
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 40
The number of instances (containers) of this application component run in parallel. Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 40.
An object specifying the minimum required and maximum allowed resources (CPU and memory)
needed by the containers running this application component.
The maximum allowed resource allocation (CPU and memory) to the containers running this application component.
If some of the values are omitted, it means they are not set.
Possible values: non-empty
The maximum allowed CPU allocation for the containers running this application component.
It accepts two possible units: cpu
(cpu core), represented by a simple number (decimals allowed),
and m
(thousandth of a core), denoted by the 'm' suffix. For example, '1000m' is equivalent to '1'.
The value must not be less than 1m (0.001).
Possible values: non-empty
The maximum allowed memory allocation for the container running this application component in bytes.
You can express the value as a plain integer, a number in exponential format or as a fixed-point number using one
of these quantity suffixes: E
, P
, T
, G
, M
. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei
, Pi
, Ti
, Mi
, Ki
. For example, the following represent roughly the same value:
128974848, 129e6, 129M, 128974848000m, 123Mi.
The value must not be less than 1k (1000 bytes).
The required resources (CPU and memory) needed by the containers running this application component.
If some of the values are omitted, it means they are not set.
Possible values: non-empty
The required CPU allocation for the containers running this application component.
It accepts two possible units: cpu
(cpu core), represented by a simple number (decimals allowed),
and m
(thousandth of a core), denoted by the 'm' suffix. For example, '1000m' is equivalent to '1'.
The value must not be less than 1m (0.001).
The value must be less than or equal to the CPU limit value.
Possible values: non-empty
The required memory allocation for the containers running this application component in bytes.
You can express the value as a plain integer, a number in exponential format or as a fixed-point number using one
of these quantity suffixes: E
, P
, T
, G
, M
. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei
, Pi
, Ti
, Mi
, Ki
. For example, the following represent roughly the same value:
128974848, 129e6, 129M, 128974848000m, 123Mi.
The value must not be less than 1k (1000 bytes).
The value must be less than or equal to the memory limit value.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 429
- 500
application-deployment-config-store 200 response
- application/vnd.codenow.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Possible values: non-empty
"status": "string"
The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
No valid API key provided.
The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
Resource not found.
Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
Something went wrong on CodeNOW's end.