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List SCM repositories



Lists Source Code Management repositories.


Path Parameters

    providerType stringrequired

    Type of an existing SCM provider
    Available providers and supported actions can be obtained through the /scm/providers endpoint.

    providerId stringrequired

    Instance ID of an existing SCM provider
    Available providers and supported actions can be obtained through the /scm/providers endpoint.

    spaceId stringrequired

    ID of an existing SCM spaces where repository will be hosted.
    Available repositories can be obtained through the /scm/{providerType}/{providerId}/spaces endpoint.

Query Parameters

    monorepo booleanrequired

    Context for creation of the new application component.
    The parameter affects occupied field in the response.

Header Parameters

    X-Codenow-Api-Key anyrequired

    CodeNOW API Key


List of SCM repositories


  • Array [

  • id stringrequired

    ID of the repository

    spaceId stringrequired

    ID of the space where the repository is hosted.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the repository.

    occupied booleanrequired

    Defines if the repository is occupied or it would hosted new application component.

    httpUrl stringrequired

    HTTP URL of the repository.

  • ]
