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SCM repository tree



Tree of the Source Code Management repository. The operation returns one level of the tree.


Path Parameters

    providerType stringrequired

    Type of an existing SCM provider
    Available providers and supported actions can be obtained through the /scm/providers endpoint.

    providerId stringrequired

    Instance ID of an existing SCM provider
    Available providers and supported actions can be obtained through the /scm/providers endpoint.

    spaceId stringrequired

    ID of an existing SCM spaces where repository will be hosted.
    Available repositories can be obtained through the /scm/{providerType}/{providerId}/spaces endpoint.

    repositoryId stringrequired

    ID of an existing SCM repository to which the component should be placed.
    Available repositories can be obtained through the /scm/{providerType}/{providerId}/spaces/{spaceId}/repos endpoint.

Query Parameters

    treeId string

    ID of the tree that represents folder in the repository which the operation will return.

Header Parameters

    X-Codenow-Api-Key anyrequired

    CodeNOW API Key


The SCM repository tree


  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Name of the tree item.

    type stringrequired

    Type of the tree item:
    tree - folder
    blob - file

    treeId stringrequired

    ID of the tree that represents folder in the repository.

    occupied stringrequired

    Defines if the tree item is occupied or it would hosted new application component:
    PARENT_FOLDER - These folders are considered as occupied because
    creation of the new component would cause merging one component
    to structure of another one.
    APP_COMPONENT - These folders are occupied by others application components.
    FREE - These folders would hosted new application component.

  • ]
