Apache Kafka - Certification 4
What you’ll learn
- What is Apache Kafka?
- What is a Kafka topic?
- What is a Kafka message?
- How to create a new topic in Apache Kafka in CodeNOW?
- How to see the messages detail in Kafka topic in CodeNOW?
- How to view data from PostgresDB in CodeNOW?
- See the architecture of Ticket Reservation Demo App - Main Page and notice that:
- There are different topics in 2 different Kafkas
Seat reservation API
produces messages to the KafkaReservation Kafka instance
Seat reservation BL
consumes messages from the KafkaReservation Kafka instance
Seat reservation BL
produces messages to the KafkaNotification Kafka instance
Seat reservation BL
uses the PostgreSQL database to store the reservations.
- Create an Environment named
, for example: dev-Smith
- Create a new Kafka topic named
, in the KafkaReservation instance.
- For example: n
- It will be a topic for your own experiments with Kafka in CodeNOW.
- Create a new deployment configuration for the Ticket Reservation Application for the Environment created in Step 2.
- Hint: Certification 1
- Use Application Package version 1.0.1
- Use the Environment created in Step 2. For example:
- Change the
topic name in the Component application.yaml
files to your new Kafka topic
- Use
Seat reservation API
and Seat reservation BL
- Use topic created in step 3
- Change the
variable subdomain to your Environment.
- For example:
BACKEND_URL: "https://seat-reservation-api-spr-vqnnn-dev-komarek.stxplayground.codenow.com
- See screenshot with the example below.
- Deploy Ticket Reservation Application
- Connect the related Kafkas and DB.
- See screenshot with the example below.
- Create at least one reservation
- Use your Stratox email address.
- Hint: Certification Level 1
- You should receive a response
Reservation created successfully
- Find your reservation(s) in
- Create a screenshot of the related message(s) in topic created by you and highlight your email address in it.
- Find notification messages in
related to your reservation(s)
- Topic:
- Create a screenshot of related message(s) and highlight your email address in it.
- Find your reservation in PostgresDB
- Create a screenshot of related message(s) and highlight your email address in it.
- See screenshot with the example below.
- Send the screenshots created in steps 7,8,9 to
Slack channel.
Example Screenshots
Deployment Configuration
Connect Managed Services Configuration Screenshot
View data from PostgresDB