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Summary statistics

CodeNOW makes available in application cards key statistics related to applications. The summary statistics are gathered in three tabs: Statistics, Deployments, and Components.

Statistics tab

The Statistics tab displays the following information:

  • total number of changed lines of code for the previous 5-month period
  • total number of commits for the previous 5-month period
  • total number of changed lines of code for the top 5 users
  • total number of commits for the top 5 users

Statistics tab

Deployments tab

The Deployments tab displays, for every deployment of an application, the following information:

  • status of the deployment (e.g., healthy deployment, failed deployment)
  • deployment environment
  • deployed package

Deployment tab

Components tab

The Components tab displays, for every component of an application, the following information:

  • component name
  • component version
  • quality assessment
  • code coverage

Components tab