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API Execution/Testing with Swagger

🕓 10 minutes

What you’ll learn​

How to execute components APIs and see the responses after the application deployment.

Before you begin​


  1. See the application detail. Under Deployments, select Endpoints.
  2. Choose the endpoint that ends with swagger-ui/index.html.
  3. Execute your API’s by the integrated Swagger UI tool
    • In case you don't know Swagger, the video on this page may help you understand its basic usage.
    • Often you are looking for traceID from the response header. This traceID, e.g., helps you analyze interactions in distributed tracing systems.
    • If your swagger-ui does not reflect the latest changes in your component's API, make sure you modified the swagger.yml file inside your component.
  4. You can use traceID to see detailed logs of your application.
    • To be able to see them, you can go to the Logging and tracing section, choose Logging, select your application and paste your traceID into the Line contains field
    • You can also change the time range if you click on the clock icon in the top right corner.
    • For more information see Logging
  5. TraceID is also used for analyzing your tracing system.
    • For tracing information, go to the Logging and tracing section, this time choose Tracing and paste your traceID into the input field.
    • Here you can see how components interact with each other inside your application.
    • For more information see Tracing