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Service Mesh - Overview

🕓 10 minutes

What you’ll learn​

How you can see all your environments with detailed statistics of the contained applications and related components.

  • Dependencies between your applications and their components, represented as a graph.
  • Overview of all your current workspaces with their details.
  • Components that are inside the chosen workspace with its labels, health and configuration status.
  • Virtual services that are running inside the chosen workspace with their type, and configuration status.



Find the "Service Mesh" section in the sidebar menu and choose the "Overview" option.

  • There you can see all your available environments.

    - You can filter workspaces by _Namespace_, _Health_, _mTLS status_ or _Namespace Label_.
    - You can also sort them by _Name_, _Health_, _mTLS_ or _Istio config_.
  • For each workspace you can see these detailed analyses:

    - [Show Graph](/advanced-features/service-mesh-overview/#show-graph)
    - [Show Workloads](/advanced-features/service-mesh-overview/#show-workloads)
    - [Show Services](/advanced-features/service-mesh-overview/#show-services)
    - [Show Istio config](/advanced-features/service-mesh-overview/#show-istio-config)

Show Graph​

  • There you can see a graph that represents the application components that are contained in your environment. The graph also shows how these components are related to one another.
  • For more information about the graph analysis, see the Service Mesh - Graph document.

Show Workloads​

  • After you have clicked on the "Show workloads" button, you will see your current workspaces with their details.
    - If you want to know more about the workloads in Kubernetes, see: [](
  • You can click on a workspace's name and see the statistics related to the chosen workspace such as the overview, traffic, logs, inbound and outbound metrics.

Show Services​

  • After you have clicked on the "Show services" button, you will see all the components that are inside the chosen workspace with its labels, health and configuration status.
  • You can click on a component's name and see the statistics related to the chosen component such as traffic, inbound metrics and traces.

Show Istio Config​

  • After you have clicked on the "Show Istio config" button, you will see all the virtual services that are running inside the chosen workspace with its type and configuration status.
    - If you want to know more about Istio configuration in Kubernetes, see: [](
  • You can click on its name to see a detailed overview and the YAML configuration file of the chosen virtual service.