Static Analysis
🕓 15 minutes
What you’ll learn​
How to thoroughly analyze your code to create a clear and professional application without bugs and security-related issues.
- For example:
- You can detect whether the code contains duplicated blocks or deprecated annotation/methods.
- Your code will be analyzed for OWASP and SANS security standards.
- The static analysis will count the unit tests and tell you the code coverage in your project.
There are two ways of choosing an application component for static analysis:
Go to your application, select the "More" option, and then "Static Analysis".
- Here you will see the complete analysis of the chosen application component.
Find the "Quality Management" section and choose the "Static Analysis" option.
- There you will see all the created application components from every existing application.
- You can sort and filter them by different parameters or simply type the needed component name into the search field.
- There you will see all the created application components from every existing application.

For the static code analysis, CodeNow use the SonarQube tool.
- You can read more about it here:
In the top right corner, you can see the last build version and time the application was built.

- You can also choose the branch that you want to be analysed.

- In the right sidebar, you can see the base information about your component such as the number of lines of code, what languages were used, etc.

Overview section​
- In this section you can see the basic information about your component:
- Quality Gate
- It helps you know immediately whether your project is production-ready.
- If the current status is not Passed, it will show you the measures that caused the problem and the values required to pass.
- Bugs
- Shows the number of bugs in the code.
- Vulnerabilities
- Shows the number of security-related issues in the code.
- Code Smells
- A maintainability-related issue in the code.
- Coverage
- Shows the number of unit tests in your project and how the code is covered by them.
- Duplications
- Shows the number of duplicated blocks of code in the project.
- Quality Gate

Issue section​
- In this section, you can see all the open issues in your code.
- You can select them by different parameters such as type, status, creation date, and more.
- You can find all of them in the left sidebar menu.

Security Reports section​
- This section contains security vulnerabilities in your code.
- You can check them by OWASP Top 10 or SANS Top 25.

OWASP Top 10​
- This is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security.
- It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.
- For more information, see:

SANS Top 25​
- The SANS Top 25 list contains the most dangerous software errors.
- For more information, see:

Measures section​
- This section contains the value of a metric for a given file or project at a given time.
- For example, 125 lines of code on class MyClass or density of duplicated lines of 30.5% on project myProject.

Code section​
- Here you can find an analysis for every part of your code.
- You can search through the code hierarchy.
- You can search for files and sub-projects using the search field.

Activity section​
- The Activity page offers to see the evolution of the project over time (with each new build).

- Graphs on the activity page help you understand the evolution of up to three measures of your choice against each other.
- Graph mouseovers show the measure values and events associated with particular analyses.

- You can filter the history by events and set the start and end dates.

- Choose the type of analysis to see the code and analytics changes related to the specific type on the graph.