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Log in with external identity providers

Connect to your CodeNOW account with external identity providers. Some users find using external identity providers more user-friendly as it saves them from creating yet another identity (e.g., username, password, miscellaneous information) in another system. Users may also benefit from the security mechanism set in place by their preferred external identity providers (e.g., two-factor authentication).

CodeNOW 6.9 and above supports logging in with your GitHub account.

Log in with GitHub

As of CodeNOW 6.9 and above, new CodeNOW users (e.g., new trial users or users who accept an invitation from CodeNOW v6.9's existing users) can now log in with their GitHub account --- provided they have one. The alternative login method (based on username and password) requires the user to fill in a form and store/remember both username and password for subsequent access.

The new login screen now includes a GitHub button that users can click to connect with their GitHub account: Screenshot illustrating new log with GitHub button


  1. Click on the GitHub button.
  2. If you haven't previously authorized CodeNOW to access your GitHub account, do so.
  3. Once you have given the relevant authorization, log in CodeNOW by clicking on the GitHub button.
  4. Depending on your browser configuration, you may need to enter your GitHub credentials to log in. With the appropriate browser configuration, if you are currently logged in to GitHub, you will directly enter your CodeNOW account.